how did contraceptives affect your hair growth?

hi friends. just had a couple questions about taking the pill related to hirsutism. i don't have PCOS or any hormonal imbalance (all tests came out clean), but i've been considering start taking contraceptives to see if it'll help regulate my period, and also my hair growth and acne. i am pretty sure i do have hirsutism since i grow hair in androgenic places like my chin, neck or chest; still don't know its cause.

i would like to know if anyone with hirsutism who doesn't have PCOS can help me research the effect of contraceptives in abnormal hair growth without any apparent hormonal imbalance. how did it affect your hirsutism?? is it a solution that you recommend? i read you :)

hi friends. just had a couple questions about taking the pill related to hirsutism. i don't have PCOS or any hormonal imbalance (all tests came out clean), but i've been considering start taking contraceptives to see if it'll help regulate my period, and also my hair growth and acne. i am pretty sure i do have hirsutism since i grow hair in androgenic places like my chin, neck or chest; still don't know its cause.i would like to know if anyone with hirsutism who doesn't have PCOS can help me research the effect of contraceptives in abnormal hair growth without any apparent hormonal imbalance. how did it affect your hirsutism?? is it a solution that you recommend? i read you :)
