Newly diagnosed at 31 - Give me all your random PCOS advice/tips

Hey all,

Looking for any random practical advice, tips, or less obvious/google-able information bits from the PCOS community for someone who's just diagnosed and wants to get a jump on trying to minimize related symptoms and give my body the best care/nurishment/attention/whatever it needs with this condition in mind.

I was just newly diagnosed after an unrelated obgyn appt with tvs ultrasound showed that yo' girl has polycystic ovaries (string of pearls, bay-beeee). I was a little surprised as ultrasounds years past may have shown one or 2 incidental cysts, but never showed this. Have had my mirena over 5 years and have been on some form of hormonal birth control for all but maybe a year or so since my late teen years. But with my menstrual/health history, i'm not completely shocked. Was hard to remember how irregular my periods had been when not on some form of hormonal bc.

I haven't had any bloodwork done yet specifically related to this (hormones, etc), but my obgyn says since my a1c has been normal I don't currently show signs of insulin resistance. She also treated the issue like - since I'm already on hormonal bc and everything looks ok internally - and don't plan on having kids - I don't need to address it further right now.

However, I have had longstanding issues with weight gain/difficulty shedding a LOT of extra weight, chronic acne (have always had, but extra annoying in my 30s), more dark hairs cropping up around my stomach/chin/etc (nothing severe, but just increasingly noticed), and random other mild symptoms that have made me wonder for a while if I had some kind of hormonal imbalance. A1c is always normal, triglycerides are high with all other lipids in normal levels, and other routine blood results tend to be pretty normal. Do y'all think it would make any difference to bring it up to my primary or see if she would want to send me to endocrinology to look further into dealing with any potential hormonal/androgen issues - or would that be less necessary than just trying to deal with each issue symptomatically?

I have a general understanding of PCOS - even more just this week after being diagnosed - so I'm really just looking for real life info from people with ovaries who have PCOS and have experience dealing with it. Really anything that you think new PCOS pals (idk yet if there's a shorthand, but I thought pcos pals sounded fun, lol) should know, whether it's important tips for diet specifically related, or things to be sure to ask your doctor about, or things/exercises/foods/etc that definitely are or are not your friend, tips for hormonal acne, experiences with particular medications/supplements that seem to be the norm....interested in really anything except fertility-related things, as I am not planning on having kids now or in the future.

I know all people and bodies are different, but just want to hear what you've got to share! Thanks!

Hey all,Looking for any random practical advice, tips, or less obvious/google-able information bits from the PCOS community for someone who's just diagnosed and wants to get a jump on trying to minimize related symptoms and give my body the best care/nurishment/attention/whatever it needs with this condition in mind. I was just newly diagnosed after an unrelated obgyn appt with tvs ultrasound showed that yo' girl has polycystic ovaries (string of pearls, bay-beeee). I was a little surprised as ultrasounds years past may have shown one or 2 incidental cysts, but never showed this. Have had my mirena over 5 years and have been on some form of hormonal birth control for all but maybe a year or so since my late teen years. But with my menstrual/health history, i'm not completely shocked. Was hard to remember how irregular my periods had been when not on some form of hormonal bc. I haven't had any bloodwork done yet specifically related to this (hormones, etc), but my obgyn says since my a1c has been normal I don't currently show signs of insulin resistance. She also treated the issue like - since I'm already on hormonal bc and everything looks ok internally - and don't plan on having kids - I don't need to address it further right now. However, I have had longstanding issues with weight gain/difficulty shedding a LOT of extra weight, chronic acne (have always had, but extra annoying in my 30s), more dark hairs cropping up around my stomach/chin/etc (nothing severe, but just increasingly noticed), and random other mild symptoms that have made me wonder for a while if I had some kind of hormonal imbalance. A1c is always normal, triglycerides are high with all other lipids in normal levels, and other routine blood results tend to be pretty normal. Do y'all think it would make any difference to bring it up to my primary or see if she would want to send me to endocrinology to look further into dealing with any potential hormonal/androgen issues - or would that be less necessary than just trying to deal with each issue symptomatically?I have a general understanding of PCOS - even more just this week after being diagnosed - so I'm really just looking for real life info from people with ovaries who have PCOS and have experience dealing with it. Really anything that you think new PCOS pals (idk yet if there's a shorthand, but I thought pcos pals sounded fun, lol) should know, whether it's important tips for diet specifically related, or things to be sure to ask your doctor about, or things/exercises/foods/etc that definitely are or are not your friend, tips for hormonal acne, experiences with particular medications/supplements that seem to be the norm....interested in really anything except fertility-related things, as I am not planning on having kids now or in the future. I know all people and bodies are different, but just want to hear what you've got to share! Thanks!
