Painful physical exhaustion, former self harmer with high HG levels

This is very long and very uncomfortable

To preface this, I haven't had a blood panel or testing done in years. Probably since I was in my late teens early twenties. 27/F, around 127 lbs, 5'7," and due to lack of insurance I've both not been to a proper doctor or had my psych meds for awhile. After a severe streak of self harm relapses last year-early this year I began experiencing symptoms of severe fatigue, exhaustion, chest pain. Also pins and needles, coldness/trembling, numbness, im thirsty all the time, bruise easily, space out for no reason. I tried making improvements to diet, lifestyle within the last couple months, and nothing has fully helped. I drink plenty of water, I walk everyday and I'm nowhere near overweight. I was an on again off again stress and social smoker, at most I'd smoke 3 cigs in one day inconsistently. Prior to the stress and trauma I considered myself a recovering person and my body reflected that, I was on a steady path upward prior to covid and losing my insurance. now I feel like i am falling apart. At the seams. Like my heart is broken. Like a heaviness is possessing my entire body.

Before I went off medication I was on lamotrigane and buspirone for bipolar disorder, bpd, and adhd/asd, spironolactone for my hormonal imbalance. I have been off them for 2 years. I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager but am not persistently dealing with its symptoms besides being body dysmorphic to a fault. I had omicron variant COVID in late December 2021-early January 2022 for about 1.-1.5wks. I used to stim on OTC sudafed during cramming sessions in college, and attempted to OD a few times to take my own life on OTC, my own and other people's medications both prior and after I lost my insurance. The reason I started cutting in the first place for over half a year on-off was a supplement for losing my meds and insurance and a traumatic event that occurred last year. The last time I self harmed was about a month ago and I experienced intermittent numbness in my forearms for 48-72 hours. It spooked me and I promised myself to never do it again. Read on the internet there's no easy fix for nerve damage so I'm stuck like this ig. One might ask after all this why I'm still alive, I don't know either

I finally got a blood panel and went to a physical doc. Out of desperation. the effects of whatever I'm dealing with have hindered me so badly it's making day to day life a chore. I can't focus. My performance, my speech, cognition, my entire quality of life just dipped. I thought I must have anemia at first.

What I know for sure is that I have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol (thanks dad) and this showed in my test results. my hemoglobin and BUN were also slightly off. The high cholesterol has been an issue since I was a child and it's never intermingled with other abnormal levels until this panel. I've been off cholesterol meds over a decade and doctors told me when I was a teen it was no longer a concern.

Cholesterol: Total: 242H (reference range: <200) LDL: 150H (reference range: <100) Non HDL: 167H (range: <130)

Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 4L (range: 7-25) BUN / Creatinine Ratio: 5L (range 6-22)

Hemoglobin: 15.7.H (range 11.7-15.5) Hematocrit: 46.3H (range 35-45)

No other abnormal levels.

Both sides of my family have history of hormonal issues, cancers (breast cancer, colon cancer, bone cancer), mental disorder, Alzheimer's / dementia, and at least one person in dad's family died of heart related issues, but he was severely obese

Doctor wants another test next month. I'm trying to get back on psych meds for my mental health's sake to see if it'll improve my symptoms. I really hate living like this.

This is very long and very uncomfortable To preface this, I haven't had a blood panel or testing done in years. Probably since I was in my late teens early twenties. 27/F, around 127 lbs, 5'7," and due to lack of insurance I've both not been to a proper doctor or had my psych meds for awhile. After a severe streak of self harm relapses last year-early this year I began experiencing symptoms of severe fatigue, exhaustion, chest pain. Also pins and needles, coldness/trembling, numbness, im thirsty all the time, bruise easily, space out for no reason. I tried making improvements to diet, lifestyle within the last couple months, and nothing has fully helped. I drink plenty of water, I walk everyday and I'm nowhere near overweight. I was an on again off again stress and social smoker, at most I'd smoke 3 cigs in one day inconsistently. Prior to the stress and trauma I considered myself a recovering person and my body reflected that, I was on a steady path upward prior to covid and losing my insurance. now I feel like i am falling apart. At the seams. Like my heart is broken. Like a heaviness is possessing my entire body.Before I went off medication I was on lamotrigane and buspirone for bipolar disorder, bpd, and adhd/asd, spironolactone for my hormonal imbalance. I have been off them for 2 years. I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager but am not persistently dealing with its symptoms besides being body dysmorphic to a fault. I had omicron variant COVID in late December 2021-early January 2022 for about 1.-1.5wks. I used to stim on OTC sudafed during cramming sessions in college, and attempted to OD a few times to take my own life on OTC, my own and other people's medications both prior and after I lost my insurance. The reason I started cutting in the first place for over half a year on-off was a supplement for losing my meds and insurance and a traumatic event that occurred last year. The last time I self harmed was about a month ago and I experienced intermittent numbness in my forearms for 48-72 hours. It spooked me and I promised myself to never do it again. Read on the internet there's no easy fix for nerve damage so I'm stuck like this ig. One might ask after all this why I'm still alive, I don't know eitherI finally got a blood panel and went to a physical doc. Out of desperation. the effects of whatever I'm dealing with have hindered me so badly it's making day to day life a chore. I can't focus. My performance, my speech, cognition, my entire quality of life just dipped. I thought I must have anemia at first.What I know for sure is that I have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol (thanks dad) and this showed in my test results. my hemoglobin and BUN were also slightly off. The high cholesterol has been an issue since I was a child and it's never intermingled with other abnormal levels until this panel. I've been off cholesterol meds over a decade and doctors told me when I was a teen it was no longer a concern.Cholesterol:Total: 242H (reference range: <200)LDL: 150H (reference range: <100)Non HDL: 167H (range: <130)Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 4L (range: 7-25)BUN / Creatinine Ratio: 5L (range 6-22)Hemoglobin: 15.7.H (range 11.7-15.5)Hematocrit: 46.3H (range 35-45)No other abnormal levels.Both sides of my family have history of hormonal issues, cancers (breast cancer, colon cancer, bone cancer), mental disorder, Alzheimer's / dementia, and at least one person in dad's family died of heart related issues, but he was severely obeseDoctor wants another test next month. I'm trying to get back on psych meds for my mental health's sake to see if it'll improve my symptoms. I really hate living like this.
