Painkillers possibly causing hormonal imbalance.

So due to medical reasons I am currently on a mix of painkillers because of a recent surgery. Since I’ve started to take the prescription opiods, I’ve noticed an odd change in my mind and perception. But these changes are not the changes you would expect from a pain killer. So I decided to read up further on some of the side effects of the opioid I’m on, and I noticed that a possible side effect was hormonal imbalance. Is it possible that the medication has caused a slight imbalance that increases the amount of estrogen I produce? I’m also currently not on HRT so keep that in mind.

So due to medical reasons I am currently on a mix of painkillers because of a recent surgery. Since I’ve started to take the prescription opiods, I’ve noticed an odd change in my mind and perception. But these changes are not the changes you would expect from a pain killer. So I decided to read up further on some of the side effects of the opioid I’m on, and I noticed that a possible side effect was hormonal imbalance. Is it possible that the medication has caused a slight imbalance that increases the amount of estrogen I produce? I’m also currently not on HRT so keep that in mind.
