Please if you can take time to read and help me with my problem

I have severe female pattern hair loss/androgen alopecia at 20 years old. Root cause is unknown, went to several different doctors and each says something different. I’ve been told it’s from genetics (not possible because mom and dad side family have good hair). One doctor that I’m currently working with now for my hair loss says because of undiagnosed pcos and significant hormonal imbalances and high testosterone.

You can skip this part but for those who would benefit from this added part: over the last 2 years I have been focused on my pcos and hormones. Since I first got my period, I’ve only gotten it a couple of times from 14-18. I was not getting it monthly, I was maybe getting it once a year. I was young and had no idea how serious this was but at 18, I went to the doctor and she did an ultrasound and found I had pcos, she referred me to a gynaecologist. Long story short, from 18 to 20 years old progress: my pcos is much better, I get monthly periods and my hormones are balanced!

Through this, I never paid attention to myself and the side effects that came until now with not dealing with my pcos. I managed my weight (and still am), eating healthier, got laser hair removal for so much unwanted hair I had gained etc. I really was trying to gain my confidence back and I slowly was feeling better about myself. Except one side effect was hair loss, I have been trying to work on this but it’s the only thing I haven’t been able to recover and it just keeps getting and worse and today it’s so bad that I can’t even look at myself anymore and I am so insecure and it has really taken a toll on my mental health. I’m only 20, soon to be 21 years old and it makes me so sad that I’m dealing with this.

I have tried so many things rosemary, castor, etc. You name it, I’ve probably tried it, even minoxidil but I had to stop because it made my head burn and itchy. I recently did a bloodwork last week and my results were really good. I discussed this issue with my doctor. She said give minoxidil lotion a try again 2%, take some biotin supplements, and vitamin D supplements. She said keep it at simpler things and we will check on progress again in 90 days. If no success, we will go into PRP and micro needling (which is not covered, and I heard expensive, so idk how I can even do this).

If you have any comments to make me feel better that would be great, I’m feeling so down and having a bad break down right now, so I’m writing this to make me feel better but idk. Also I apologize for how long this post is, but I would really appreciate everyone’s input.

The main thing I am looking to take away from this post is your feedback. What should I do? Thoughts on the simple things that I’m going to start soon for 90 days? Do you think it’ll be effective? Should I invest in PRP and micro needling, as doctor advises if no success. Will I ever get my hair back to at least look somewhat better and recover from the baldness and thining I have, is that even possible?

I have severe female pattern hair loss/androgen alopecia at 20 years old. Root cause is unknown, went to several different doctors and each says something different. I’ve been told it’s from genetics (not possible because mom and dad side family have good hair). One doctor that I’m currently working with now for my hair loss says because of undiagnosed pcos and significant hormonal imbalances and high testosterone. You can skip this part but for those who would benefit from this added part: over the last 2 years I have been focused on my pcos and hormones. Since I first got my period, I’ve only gotten it a couple of times from 14-18. I was not getting it monthly, I was maybe getting it once a year. I was young and had no idea how serious this was but at 18, I went to the doctor and she did an ultrasound and found I had pcos, she referred me to a gynaecologist. Long story short, from 18 to 20 years old progress: my pcos is much better, I get monthly periods and my hormones are balanced!Through this, I never paid attention to myself and the side effects that came until now with not dealing with my pcos. I managed my weight (and still am), eating healthier, got laser hair removal for so much unwanted hair I had gained etc. I really was trying to gain my confidence back and I slowly was feeling better about myself. Except one side effect was hair loss, I have been trying to work on this but it’s the only thing I haven’t been able to recover and it just keeps getting and worse and today it’s so bad that I can’t even look at myself anymore and I am so insecure and it has really taken a toll on my mental health. I’m only 20, soon to be 21 years old and it makes me so sad that I’m dealing with this.I have tried so many things rosemary, castor, etc. You name it, I’ve probably tried it, even minoxidil but I had to stop because it made my head burn and itchy. I recently did a bloodwork last week and my results were really good. I discussed this issue with my doctor. She said give minoxidil lotion a try again 2%, take some biotin supplements, and vitamin D supplements. She said keep it at simpler things and we will check on progress again in 90 days. If no success, we will go into PRP and micro needling (which is not covered, and I heard expensive, so idk how I can even do this).If you have any comments to make me feel better that would be great, I’m feeling so down and having a bad break down right now, so I’m writing this to make me feel better but idk. Also I apologize for how long this post is, but I would really appreciate everyone’s input. The main thing I am looking to take away from this post is your feedback. What should I do? Thoughts on the simple things that I’m going to start soon for 90 days? Do you think it’ll be effective? Should I invest in PRP and micro needling, as doctor advises if no success. Will I ever get my hair back to at least look somewhat better and recover from the baldness and thining I have, is that even possible?
