Unbearable PMS/PMDD in 30s

Hey girls!
I joined reddit today specifically because I just can't bear this anymore. (Posted this in another thread, but I feel I should make a topic as well, to get it off my chest)
My PMS got worse in my late 20s (I am 31 now) when I started having -unbearable- cramps. I started feeling dizzy from pain which would last for over 2 hours without any painkiller managing to ease it. I was crying, shaking, feeling like to faint. But that was it. I had cramps, so and so moodiness but I'd feel just fine after 2nd day of my menstruation.However, I didn't want to bear this -- so I kept looking for solutions to make things easier for me and yellow maca really, -really- fixed the problem for me. I started using yellow maca this spring/summer and decided to take a little break to give my body a chance to adapt and see how it will go without maca.I think that was the worst mistake I made...

I had a stressful period with bathroom renovation this September, with a lot of lifestyle changes during that week. At first I really, really thought stress was making me get anxiety and panic attacks (which I something I started experiencing for the first time EVER in my life, I thought I was going to get a heart attack). I'd get insane intrusive thoughts about my dad getting in a car crash while driving back home, I was a crying mess! My heart was beating insanely fast and I had insane night sweats as well, I thought I was losing my head. Turns out it was all PMS and I got my period 7 days earlier than expected! Worst thing is, the episodes of anxiety and panic didn't stop and my mood kept going up and down constantly, changing throughout the day (as in, I'd feel horrible and anxious, then it would be like I have no symptoms at all and back to being my normal self). After my period ended I thought I'd get better that week, but instead that week after my period I was a crying and worried mess that was under constant tension, even after bathroom renovation ended. September was a month where I had maybe only 10 days of relief before another PMS/PMDD kicked in. I started blaming yellow maca for imbalancing my hormones, then I started using lady's mantle and thought it would nicely fix things.

October PMS was FINE. I had my ups and downs during the month and anxiety kicking in. (It's uncommon for me, as I never -ever- had anxiety attacks before)...but I somehow survived October PMS and period.

This month, however, I think I completely snapped. I never felt it this bad and it's driving me insane. I will take that insane pain over any mental symptom. 10 days before my period I started obsessing I'd get psychosis and kill my parents, crying, worrying and it just got worse as the thought kept spinning in my head over and over. My parents are the two most wonderful people and I'd die for them! So the thought of hurting them is destroying me so so much I can't stand it. I started bleeding two days ago, but it is very bad. Pinkish, spotty, slow... the symptoms are a little easier but every now and then this intrusive thought of harming my parents would pop into my head and jerk me off balance because I am traumatized of it. It's the first time ever I am battling against such thoughts and moments...never had it this bad. I want to cry, I just want to sit in the room and do nothing, try to ease my mind but the thought just torments me and tends to get even worse and worse. I get ups and downs throughout the day. Morning -- panic, but overall fine, afternoon so-so, 4pm I start feeling worse and get those thoughts, and sometime until 10 pm...then I get better and like nothing is wrong with me.

I started drinking yellow maca again and I hope it balances me out and brings me back to normal because this is -destroying- me. It's the FIRST time I am facing these mental symptoms, it frightens me and I want the physical pain back... T_T
I am suspecting hormonal imbalance as I also struggle with chin hair and hair around lips which is something that kicked in a few years back...
So I am -really- hoping yellow maca does something and helps out with this.
I'm starting to fear I am developing so many mental disorders so suddenly from this.

Hey girls!I joined reddit today specifically because I just can't bear this anymore. (Posted this in another thread, but I feel I should make a topic as well, to get it off my chest)My PMS got worse in my late 20s (I am 31 now) when I started having -unbearable- cramps. I started feeling dizzy from pain which would last for over 2 hours without any painkiller managing to ease it. I was crying, shaking, feeling like to faint. But that was it. I had cramps, so and so moodiness but I'd feel just fine after 2nd day of my menstruation.However, I didn't want to bear this -- so I kept looking for solutions to make things easier for me and yellow maca really, -really- fixed the problem for me. I started using yellow maca this spring/summer and decided to take a little break to give my body a chance to adapt and see how it will go without maca.I think that was the worst mistake I made...I had a stressful period with bathroom renovation this September, with a lot of lifestyle changes during that week. At first I really, really thought stress was making me get anxiety and panic attacks (which I something I started experiencing for the first time EVER in my life, I thought I was going to get a heart attack). I'd get insane intrusive thoughts about my dad getting in a car crash while driving back home, I was a crying mess! My heart was beating insanely fast and I had insane night sweats as well, I thought I was losing my head. Turns out it was all PMS and I got my period 7 days earlier than expected! Worst thing is, the episodes of anxiety and panic didn't stop and my mood kept going up and down constantly, changing throughout the day (as in, I'd feel horrible and anxious, then it would be like I have no symptoms at all and back to being my normal self). After my period ended I thought I'd get better that week, but instead that week after my period I was a crying and worried mess that was under constant tension, even after bathroom renovation ended. September was a month where I had maybe only 10 days of relief before another PMS/PMDD kicked in. I started blaming yellow maca for imbalancing my hormones, then I started using lady's mantle and thought it would nicely fix things.October PMS was FINE. I had my ups and downs during the month and anxiety kicking in. (It's uncommon for me, as I never -ever- had anxiety attacks before)...but I somehow survived October PMS and period.This month, however, I think I completely snapped. I never felt it this bad and it's driving me insane. I will take that insane pain over any mental symptom. 10 days before my period I started obsessing I'd get psychosis and kill my parents, crying, worrying and it just got worse as the thought kept spinning in my head over and over. My parents are the two most wonderful people and I'd die for them! So the thought of hurting them is destroying me so so much I can't stand it. I started bleeding two days ago, but it is very bad. Pinkish, spotty, slow... the symptoms are a little easier but every now and then this intrusive thought of harming my parents would pop into my head and jerk me off balance because I am traumatized of it. It's the first time ever I am battling against such thoughts and moments...never had it this bad. I want to cry, I just want to sit in the room and do nothing, try to ease my mind but the thought just torments me and tends to get even worse and worse. I get ups and downs throughout the day. Morning -- panic, but overall fine, afternoon so-so, 4pm I start feeling worse and get those thoughts, and sometime until 10 pm...then I get better and like nothing is wrong with me.I started drinking yellow maca again and I hope it balances me out and brings me back to normal because this is -destroying- me. It's the FIRST time I am facing these mental symptoms, it frightens me and I want the physical pain back... T_TI am suspecting hormonal imbalance as I also struggle with chin hair and hair around lips which is something that kicked in a few years back...So I am -really- hoping yellow maca does something and helps out with this.I'm starting to fear I am developing so many mental disorders so suddenly from this. https://ift.tt/Svb5lJ7 https://ift.tt/s8xS3VZ
