Unusual Side Effects in Recovery?

Hi all! I have been in recovery for a while now, but for the past two months I have been all in. I have been doing everything I am supposed to, putting in all of the work, and really trying to get better. I ended up hospitalized for electrolyte imbalance, low sodium, and low blood sugar in October, but in the months leading up to that I had been facing the digestive stuff too: bloating, constipation, etc. Luckily, the digestive issues are resolved now finally!

Anyway, I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia which I thought had stabilized since I test my glucose regularly and it is almost always in the normal range. I also am supposed to be testing my blood pressure several times a day since it was low, but that too seems to be normal now as well (more often than not!).

Anyway, as far as I have come, I still have some weird lingering side effects. I have "episodes" where I will get blurry vision, burning mouth, pressure in my ears, tingling/numbness in my chin, legs, abdomen, and I will get kind of confused and zoned-out. They'll last around an hour or so if they're really bad, or be kind of mild and last for several hours. I keep thinking its a sugar thing but my monitors put me as normal when I test. These incidents are kinda freaking me out since I never know when they'll show up. Sometimes I feel like its connected to what I eat and sometimes I don't. My GP has sent me to a neurologist and endocrinologist to check my brain and hormones/sugar, but both of those appointments are not til next year. (I am in the US with insurance, but its a long wait to get in with a specialist).

It makes me kind of afraid to eat, which is not at all where I want to be. I went through all of the extreme hunger, etc so I do not want to restrict and turn back. So I am curious if this is something any of you have had? Does it go away in time? My eating plan has me eating small meals every 2-3 hours right now. I journal all my symptoms but I am getting kind of hyper focused on it and I'm neglecting other responsibilities.

At the beginning of my recovery I was told that everyone is different and there is no way to predict how long it will be until I am back to normal. I trust the process, but things like this sure make it hard!

My diagnosis is bulimia with overexercising as my purging method, and orthorexia. I'm on the taller side and weight restored, but was severely underweight at the beginning of recovery. No other health issues now. My bloodwork is all normal now (had liver issues, cholesterol, electrolyte and sugar issues in the past).

If anyone else has had these side effects, how long did they last? Did anyone else face anything unusual that resolved itself or doctors couldn't explain?

Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks for being here. Although this is my first post here, this community has been very helpful to me in my journey :)

Hi all! I have been in recovery for a while now, but for the past two months I have been all in. I have been doing everything I am supposed to, putting in all of the work, and really trying to get better. I ended up hospitalized for electrolyte imbalance, low sodium, and low blood sugar in October, but in the months leading up to that I had been facing the digestive stuff too: bloating, constipation, etc. Luckily, the digestive issues are resolved now finally!Anyway, I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia which I thought had stabilized since I test my glucose regularly and it is almost always in the normal range. I also am supposed to be testing my blood pressure several times a day since it was low, but that too seems to be normal now as well (more often than not!).Anyway, as far as I have come, I still have some weird lingering side effects. I have "episodes" where I will get blurry vision, burning mouth, pressure in my ears, tingling/numbness in my chin, legs, abdomen, and I will get kind of confused and zoned-out. They'll last around an hour or so if they're really bad, or be kind of mild and last for several hours. I keep thinking its a sugar thing but my monitors put me as normal when I test. These incidents are kinda freaking me out since I never know when they'll show up. Sometimes I feel like its connected to what I eat and sometimes I don't. My GP has sent me to a neurologist and endocrinologist to check my brain and hormones/sugar, but both of those appointments are not til next year. (I am in the US with insurance, but its a long wait to get in with a specialist). It makes me kind of afraid to eat, which is not at all where I want to be. I went through all of the extreme hunger, etc so I do not want to restrict and turn back. So I am curious if this is something any of you have had? Does it go away in time? My eating plan has me eating small meals every 2-3 hours right now. I journal all my symptoms but I am getting kind of hyper focused on it and I'm neglecting other responsibilities. At the beginning of my recovery I was told that everyone is different and there is no way to predict how long it will be until I am back to normal. I trust the process, but things like this sure make it hard!My diagnosis is bulimia with overexercising as my purging method, and orthorexia. I'm on the taller side and weight restored, but was severely underweight at the beginning of recovery. No other health issues now. My bloodwork is all normal now (had liver issues, cholesterol, electrolyte and sugar issues in the past). If anyone else has had these side effects, how long did they last? Did anyone else face anything unusual that resolved itself or doctors couldn't explain?Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks for being here. Although this is my first post here, this community has been very helpful to me in my journey :) https://ift.tt/I8vF7X0 https://ift.tt/pB9baPA
