Extreme emotions on Loryna?

Hi all! My doctor recommended I switch to Loryna (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets) I was on a combination pill before called Mili, but that became unavailable and the generic was giving me mild acne problems so I decided to switch.

It’s only been a week and these mood swings are INSANE. I feel foggy, out of focus, and so incredibly unstable emotionally. I’m going to ask my doctor to switch me to something else but I’m not sure what I should try. I got my hormones tested a while back and I have an imbalance (I’m high estrogen, low progesterone).

I’m planning to switch to a new doctor next year. My current doctor isn’t great, essentially she has me tell her what I want and writes the prescription. Not helpful when I need advice. 🙃

Anyone go through something similar? Should I just switch to my old combination BC and deal with the acne? Does anyone have advice/ideas for what birth control I can look into or try?

Hi all! My doctor recommended I switch to Loryna (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol tablets) I was on a combination pill before called Mili, but that became unavailable and the generic was giving me mild acne problems so I decided to switch. It’s only been a week and these mood swings are INSANE. I feel foggy, out of focus, and so incredibly unstable emotionally. I’m going to ask my doctor to switch me to something else but I’m not sure what I should try. I got my hormones tested a while back and I have an imbalance (I’m high estrogen, low progesterone).I’m planning to switch to a new doctor next year. My current doctor isn’t great, essentially she has me tell her what I want and writes the prescription. Not helpful when I need advice. 🙃 Anyone go through something similar? Should I just switch to my old combination BC and deal with the acne?Does anyone have advice/ideas for what birth control I can look into or try? https://ift.tt/Jvu8IG6 https://ift.tt/klq76dm
