
So my mother is asking questions

My experience with PCO(S)


Best 6 Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance

[Product Question] Anyone who has successfully used spironolactone/aldactone--did you ever stop using it? Did the acne come back in full force?

Hair loss and Kratom

My health struggles have opened my eyes to the world, and everything that's wrong about it (long post, topics covered: birth control, cosmetics, plastic, sugar, wheat, dairy, social media and stress)

Hair fall and damage due to diabetes?

I feel like I'm broken

I think I'm broken


Not sure if my symptoms are the cause of hormonal imbalance or a mental disease

Uterine cancer

I am overweight, depressed and a hormonal mess... Is WFPB worth it? Desperate. (F/27)

Uterine cancer possible symptoms

Uterine cancer possibility

Hormonal Imbalance / Compromised Pituitary Gland