
what physical things can i check for constant brainfog anxiety/depression symptoms before considering psych help

Just need some validation because my mother favors my brother so much and dismisses everything I do for her as "volunteer" work and that I should just accept her snide passive aggressive comments. Typical Asian boys vs girls favoritism.

Trans men - what are/were your experiences of hormonal changes with menstruation?

[Help] Why is my female dog trying to fuck my cat?

adrenal “episode”?

The Tilted Uterus

Polycystic ovaries on scan, irregular periods, lab work shows no hormonal imbalance

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Irregular periods/hormone imbalance questions

Hormones and Fat Loss

Why does she have no libido, and why can’t I please her?

Lethargic,less motivation,bad sleep(5-6)hrs, Thyroid and Depression issues.

What is this? I am so confused.