
why does insufficient testosterone effect sleep quality

Can we get a Coping Mechanisms/Self-Care megathread?

I thought I had things figured out, but I guess not.

HEALTH PRO TIP: Men can get the equivalent of PCOS!

Is Keto right for me?


Paragard IUD: has anyone gotten acne from it or other unbearable symptoms?

So when can I have fun with a girl?

F/31/6'3[261>191=70lbslost] (24months) What a wild ride! I put on 50 lbs after my divorce... 2 years later i lost 70. And still going strong :) I also developed PCOS at my heaviest.. and have since reversed it and levelled out. (PCOS is a hormonal imbalance)

Estrogen Dominance in Men and Women Causes Hormonal Imbalance

I sincerely believe smoking prevents autism

Straight Talk: Weight Loss That Works

Keep Your Promise to Take Care of Yourself

Obesity Remedy by Miric Biotech

What Causes Receding Gums? Remedies and Treatments

Menorrhagia is mostly caused by STDs, not hormonal imbalance or whatever /s

Changes in peruod blood consistency?

Using Progesterone Cream (maybe for boob growth)

Can Hormone Imbalances Make You Want Kids

How do I begin working out and dieting if I can't get myself to do it?

Hormonal disorder and pregnancy question

HELP! Girlfriend (24F) has a malodorous odor and cannot smell. How do I (25M) handle this situation?

HELP! Girlfriend has a malodorous odor and cannot smell. How do I handle this situation?

Anyone else feel ashamed and not worthy enough to Persue a relationship with a woman?