
Weight Gain…Should I be worried?

Ex-vegetarian/vegan of 30 years needs help

Just how much better is it possible to feel with Keto?

Genderqueer struggling with how I look

GF has clear signs of hormone imbalance but tests cone back normal?

Super light period that won't end?

Spotting between periods

Help with Androgenous Bloodwork & Advice about Low T symptoms! Imporant, I am desperate...

AITA for avoiding my parents?

hair growth remedies

My "godmother"(33F) humiliated me(19F).

My "godmother" humiliated me.

Anyway to just remove / reduce sex drive?

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms

5 Easy-to-follow Tips for Losing Weight with PCOS Condition

So I've been working on a scientific research, read it if you are keep forgeting why PMO is bad

Did HRT make your life happier overall?

Day on/day off finasteride can cause worse side effects than using it every day?

I took finasteride (propecia) for nearly a year. After coming off i now have ocular rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Could i potentially have a permanent hormonal imbalance with skin/thyroid?

Should I get a hysterectomy at 28?

I’m 28. What are the possible effects of hormone replacement post hysterectomy? (uterus only)

What is reishi? What is Ganoderma?

Should I get a hysterectomy at 28?

Cyst on left ovary

Should I give up with breast milk?