
Desquamative Inflammatory Vaginitis (DIV) may be what you have

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Upcoming surgery

Horrid cramping, no bleeding, and extreme fatigue when my period is 4 days late. Should I be worried?

Should I get the nexaplanon implant?

How are doctors supposed to detect pituitary tumors when they only check TSH?

Maybe, maybe not.

Can we be candid?

TTC 6 years, “unexplained infertility”

Stress bleeding?

My Very Own 'Insane' Parent

how are you suppose to make money when ur retarded?

Flo sucks, any other contenders?

*Rant* The world doesnt revolve around me.

I have a hellish life with 0% chance of succeeding. Would you kill yourself if you was in this position?

Can people with low libido or no sex drive identify as asexual?

Just got diagnosed... kinda

Hormone imbalance and depression?

I’m 14 and haven’t grown more than 3 cm in almost 4 years...

Birth Control for Medical Reasons

Januhairy, did you take part?

I can’t take it anymore, my roommate does not take care of her hygiene. She smells and she bleeds everywhere and ignores it.