
Taking DIM and I3C at the same time?

Need some advice on dosages

HELP! My(18M) Girlfriend (18F) did not have her period but we did not have sex.

Yoga for Hormonal Imbalance | Asanas & Pranayama for Hormonal Imbalance

Do you guys ever wonder if a lot of our issues might be due to hormonal imbalances (ex. low testosterone) rather than actual hard-wiring?

Weird question for detrans females.. Can you cry?

Size inclusive sustainable brands?

[research] Why Do I Keep Getting Skin Tags?

Has anyone here ever been right about "the feeling" of infertility?

DAE still get symptoms, even though they’ve eliminated their period? Any other ways to combat it besides BC and SSRIs?

I (19F) have benign migratory glossitis/geographic tongue. It flares up around my period and want to know what hormone is causing this?

26 Y/O M Body Acne + Hair Thinning

Are you suffering from a hormonal imbalance

[Acne] Is Birth Control Making My Acne Worse?

Why haven't I fully hit puberty male 16

Know the Connection between Ayurveda and Infertility

Pediatric Health Care Products and Services Market Upcoming Trends Forecast till 2024: AstraZeneca plc, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi S.A., Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Eisai Co.

Multiple Imbalances. I wonder if hormonal imbalances triggers mental health issues, there must be some sort of correlation. Bipolar + PCOS. Anyone else here who also struggles with a hormonal imbalance? Thank you for looking.

What can be causing my male breast development (non-obese)?


Thyroid: 10 factors for new strategy

Can spironolactone or any other anti androgen alone cause Telogen Effluvium? (Hair loss)


[Skin Concern] Scars more prominent some days than others

Good to Know (Oct '19)