
Hair loss/thinning due to prolonged stress or other factors? Experiences and advice needed & appreciated. 27F/SEA (South East Asian)

Reflexology Helps With Stress And Anxiety

~19 Months Clean. Looking to give advice/answer questions

Increasing dosage while still losing?

bartholin cysts and cannot produce natural lubrication after ureaplasma

Am I being too much? Am I too clingy, asking too much, overreacting or is this valid?

I'm so frustrated by my weight, any help would be appreciated!

I’ve had only 2 years of my life since I was 11 where I wasn’t improperly medicated.

experience trying to get depo provera as a trans man

Beyond 40 Lean Belly 3x Reviews - Reddit

lncreasing cases of PCOD/PCOS.

My NPD boyfriend keeps trying to cover up narcissistic traits with other mental disorders

Do I go through a hormonal cycle if I have the Mirena coil fitted?

Questions, Questions, Questioning

smh i dont like this hormone imbalance thing

treatment resistant MDD

Mirena IUD Removal after 5 Years [Updates]

Hormonal imbalance?

I did this and I'm doing good, just need "Hormone imbalance"

I'm a woman whos slowly getting a beard

I'm failing